Full Circle and Moving Forward

Josh’s dad worked hard to better his own life and try to keep up with his family. Dad went to AA Meetings, soon became a leader of AA Meetings, then he and his girlfriend started the Friday Night Community Supper and ran that for 6 years. He has become a mentor to other people fighting drug and alcohol addiction.

Today – Dad is a valued employee of the Ray of Hope Resource Center for services helping our homeless.

As Josh states in his story, he got to his lowest point where he was friendless, alone, depressed and homeless.  Josh wasn’t allowed in his father’s home due to the theft that would happen in order for Josh to try to keep up his habit.  Dad even urged the courts to keep Josh in jail so that he would be forced to get clean.

Josh became a client of the Ray of Hope….he struggled with conforming to the “playground rules” and with his dad as the Program Manager, Josh would disrupt the work flow so we finally had to say he couldn’t come in. At this point, Dad had to finally put a restraining order on Josh – and from here – with nowhere else to go – Josh moved up to the streets of Seattle and heard about the program with Union Gospel Mission. He decided he needed to make one more try.

Today – Josh is now working for Union Gospel Mission – and has returned to the Ray of Hope, bringing us the Mobile Shower Van each week! Josh is very proud of his new life and we couldn’t be prouder of Josh!   

There is another son as well. Very similar situation – and a restraining order too. Today he is doing well, recovering, working, and a father to his 2 year old!

On the days we have to say we’ve had enough….we hang our head and feel like we have failed. Then the day comes when “a Josh” returns – coming full circle – and we rejoice in knowing that, while it was the hardest decision, it turned out to be the best decision. Not everyone will succeed but this one did!

Dad says:  “Our sorrow runs deep, we are all still recovering, we will always be labeled drug addicts and alcoholics, but we ARE recovering, moving forward and succeeding!”


Orion Industries is a Ray of Hope Too